PTC Election Results

The results of the PTC Executive Board Member Election are:

Vice President: 

Felisha Gaytan and  Lynn Bergmann


Kaitlynn Pineau


Bernice Weilburg

There were no candidates for President, so a special election will have to be held at the first PTC meeting for 2024/2025. Both Vice Presidents will serve as interim President until the election. The Publicity Coordinator and Events Coordinator positions also did not have candidates.

SPIRIT shirts

On February , 2024 our Colt Staff and Students received their Colt School Spirit shirts thanks to our amazing SPONSORS. These shirts are yours to keep and intended to be worn on our Friday Colt Spirit Days and on school fields trips to help foster Colts Community Spirit!!  We were able to take some drone pictures and video in between rain showers thanks to two amazing LCES parent volunteers Trevor and Jessica Kelly! The kids LOVED the drone! Video will be posted soon on our LCES PTC Facebook Page. 


We hope that the 950+ Colts and their family members that attended Fall Fest on October 27th had a great time! This event was made possible because of the hard work and generosity of so many people and businesses in Lincoln. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all that you did to make this event such a success!